Google Clustr

Performant clustering for large datasets on Google Maps.

Total Point Count:
Elementary school data provided by



By not creating a Google Maps Marker instance for every point, the performance, especially for large datasets (> 1000), is much better than the official clustering library.

Marker Spiderfy

Once below the cluster threshold the library uses the Marker Spiderfy library to work with overlapping Markers.

Info Window Agnostic

Using the integrated PubSub API you can control hover and click interactions as you please. We're using Tippy, but you can use whatever you want.


Branding is important. You have the power to make your clusters and markers look spectacular by adjusting options and overriding CSS.

PubSub Events

Subscribe to the libraties PubSub events to handle custom interactions. With hover, click, count, and marker-show events, you have control over the interactivity.

Smart Zoom

Based on the convex hull of the cluster polygon, we intelligently zoom the user into the best view based upon that data.


Prop Description Default Required
map Your google maps instance. N/A true
collection Your collection of lat/lng points. N/A true
mapContainer String of ID holding your map. 'map' true
clusterRange The size of the squares which the clusters are evaluated. The larger the #, the less total clusters per view. 200 false
threshold The number of points where we switch from clusters to markers. 200 false
clusterRgba RGBA color for the clusters. '34, 34, 34, 1' false
clusterFontColor Font color for count inside cluster. '#FBBDC7' false
polygonStrokeColor Stroke color for the hover polygon showing the convex hull of the cluster. '#222' false
polygonStrokeOpacity Opacity setting for the convex hull polygon. '0.5' false
polygonStrokeWeight Weight of the polygon. 4 false
polygonFillColor Fill color of the polygon. '#222' false
polygonFillOpacity Opacity of the polygon fill color. '0.3' false